The startup process can be a bit slow and clunky here, so don’t worry if it takes a little while. First, you’ll see a white screen for a little while before the boot process starts up. Eventually, you’re greeted by a login screen.
If you’re using a Raspberry Pi 2, you’ll need to go through some setup stuff here to get the screen working. If you’re using the B+, skip to the next step.
The Raspberry Pi 2 currently requires some extra steps to get the screen working. When you initially boot it up, you’re greeted by a sad, white screen. Thankfully, it’s not too troublesome to get the screen working. Unfortunately, you’ll need either an HDMI monitor to attach the Pi to, or you’ll need to
login over SSH to get through this part. Go ahead and connect either of those and boot up the Pi now.
- You’ll see a username and password prompt from the command line on your Raspberry Pi. Type in the username
and password toor
- Start by mounting the boot partition. Type in
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot
and press Enter.
- Next, you’ll download and install Adafruit’s setup software. Type in
and press Enter.
- Type in
tar xf adafruit_pitft_kernel_1.20150420-1.tar.gz
and press Enter to extract that file.
- Type in
cd adafruit_pitft_kernel_1.20150420-1
and press Enter.
- Type in
and press Enter. This will take a while. When it’s finished, it’ll ask you to reboot. Say yes and wait for the reboot.
- Type in
git clone
and press Enter to download Adafruit’s screen software.
- Okay, now you need to mount the boot disk again. Type in
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot
and press Enter.
- Type in
cd Adafruit-PiTFT-Helper
and press Enter.
- Type in
./adafruit-pitft-helper -u /root/ -t 28r
and press Enter. This configures your display.
- Now you’ll need to fix some issues with the boot screen only showing a blinking cursor. Type in
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-fbdev
and press Enter.
- Once that’s complete, type in
cd /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
and press Enter.
- Finally, type in
nano 99-fbdev.conf
and press Enter. This will open a text file. You’ll need to copy the following bit of code into the file:
Section “Device”
Identifier “myfb”
Driver “fbdev”
Option “fbdev” “/dev/fb1”
When you’re done, press Ctrl+X to save and exit.
That should do it. Go ahead and type reboot and press Enter to restart your Pi with a working screen.
Step Four: Log In and Enable Your Wi-Fi Card
Now it’s time to log in and enable the Wi-Fi card so you can actually use the tools inside of Kali Linux. The Raspberry Pi will automatically recognize your Wi-Fi card, but you’ll still need to login to your network. First thing first, we need to launch the Kali Linux graphic user interface and make sure everything’s working:
- You’ll see a username and password prompt from the command line on your Raspberry Pi. Type in the username
and password toor
(we’ll change this later on).
- Type in
and press Enter to boot up the graphic interface for Kali. This can take a little while to load on the Pi.
- You can now navigate your Pi with the touch screen and your keyboard. Tap the small Terminal icon on the dock in the bottom to open up the command line.
- To set up your Wi-Fi card, type
nano /etc/network/interfaces
into the command line and press Enter to load up the configuration file for your Wi-Fi settings.
- Add the following lines to the text file you just opened, substituting your network information in:
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid “your network name”
wpa-psk “the network password”
When you’re finished, press Ctrl+X to save and exit. Your Wi-Fi card should now work (though you may have to reboot first).
Step Five: Change Your Password
Before you do anything else, you should really change the root password of your device (lest someone else with similar hacking skills gain control of it). Thankfully, it’s easy.
- While you’re still in the command line (if you aren’t, go ahead and just tap the Terminal icon in Kali to reopen it), type in
and press Enter.
- Type in your new password twice.
- It’s also good to reconfigure your OpenSSH server now so it’s not set as the default. Type in
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
and press Enter.
Now your little portable system is set up and secure.
What You Can Do With This Device
From here, what you do with your little portable hacking station is up to you. You can use the touch screen on the Pi for basic navigation and run any program in Kali Linux you want. If you don’t know where to start, here are a few ideas:
- Set up SSH to connect to the Pi remotely
- Learn the basics of the command line
- Crack a Wi-Fi password, create a fake network, or snoop on another device’s traffic
- Monitor everything that happens on a network
- More Kali Linux guides
The world is your oyster. Hack responsibly, everyone.
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